Welcome to Better Music Through Sound. This page will be updated shortly to feature news about our latest projects. Until then, please refer to the older version of the b.m.t.s. pages in the Archive!

In absense of actual content, I have added some relatively uninteresting comments:


Why 'better music through sound'? I guess because it sounds good. It' s certainly hard to argue with, I think.

Music, like all artis basically inherently revolutionary. Any musician that thinks otherwise is either very well connected or totally foolish. While there are musicians that operate as craftsmen (e.g. career bar bands) or wage laborers (e.g. those who create music for commercials), the vast majority are willfully spending their time pursuing a goal that has almost no potential for financial reward. This basic economic inequity means that virtually all music is, like it or not, a political statement on a very practical level. The notion that someone would invest any resources in order to achieve a purely aesthetic goal is inherently revolutionary. It subverts the rules of capitalism by proving that not everything has a price. Any worthless music is priceless. The market will not determine a price for dreams. Start bands! Make art! Celebrate the freedom you have to create. They will never pay you to do that, but that's no reason not to exalt in your freedom to express who you are and what life is. More bad music!