earring question!

I've never had my ears pierced, but I figured now that I have a mullet, I should probably get one ear pierced and get a dangly skull or something in it. Seems simple right? The big question is, which ear? Having an earring is cool, but if you get it in the wrong ear that means you're a fag. And that's, like, pretty gay.

Here's what I've heard so far:

Right ear is gay.
Left ear is gay.
Left is right and right is wrong (Which means that right is the gay ear).
It depends on which coast you grew up on.
Actually either ear is gay.

Here's your chance to vote, send me an e-mail:

right_is_the_faggot_ear@m-a-m-a.com If you think right is gay.

left_ear_is_for_queers@m-a-m-a.com If you think left is gay.

If you can document why you believe this is so, then that is even more helpful.




p.s. If you think this page is homophobic and are mad you are a retard who does not get it. If you think that this page is seriously raggin' on homos and think that is cool, you are a faggot and should move to San Francisco so you can get it up the ass every day.


