Welcome to the World of Mark

News Flash:
Mark has changed his name to Yodar Kritz.
You will now call him Yodar.

Hi. I am Yodar. Welcome to my world. It's not really very good yet, but it will be getting better and I'll be updating it as much as possible. My world is a fast-paced environment where everything is always changing. For starters, here's some basic info:

Born: Seattle December 11, 1974, in wedlock.

Currently on record player: Hysteria, Def Leppard, 1987

Currently in CD player: Bryter Layter, Nick Drake; XTRMNTR, PRML SCRM; Jonathan Goes Country, Jonathan Richman

Favorite pants: Black parachute pants.

Favorite cold sandwich: Morningstar Tuna Sandwich (SW 3rd St. at Washington)

Favorite hot sandwich: Mad Hatter Tuna Steak Sandwich (203 SE Grand)

Currently reading: The Trial, Franz Kafka (2nd time)

Favorite activities: Playing music, touching self.

Number of hairs in moustache: 477

Weed?: Yeah.

This morning's breakfast: Poppy seed bagel with cream cheese.

Cities lived in: Seattle, WA; Munich, Germany; Austin, TX; Springfield, OR; Corvallis, OR; Fort Collins, CO; Cambridge, MA; Long Beach, NJ; Portland, OR

Length of hair, front: Short.

Length of hair, back: Long.

Other stats: Average, above average, outstanding, slightly below average.


Mark's Music Madness, Local Picks:

So who else is worth seeing (besides Hank Plank, of course)? Well how about:

Billy Kennedy - The best at what he does. Not to mention the only.

Jackstraw - Great bluegrass, great guys. "Ma'am, is that the gentleman who threw up on you?"

Pete Krebs - An excellent songwriter, lately plays mostly solo or doing 20's jazz on guitars with the Kung Pao Chickens.

Lynn Conover - Can't wait until she finishes her record. Often plays with Little Sue.

Jim Boyer - One of the nicest people you'll ever meet. A terrific, understated guitarist, singer and songwriter.

Freak Mountain Ramblers - Jim, Dave, Turtle, Roger, Paul, Kevin and others.

The Questions - I'm not sure if they're playing right now, but they have at least two of the best songs ever.

The Bugs - Who needs more than two people.

Jackass Willie - A definite must see. Although they've gone "electric", they really haven't. They still kick ass.

This list is not complete by any means and is in no predetermined order.




