Reviews of various stuff.

Welcome to points. This is basically a place to give short reviews of stuff, such as books, records, movies, other art, smells, etc. Essentially, you take something you want to write about and give it points for reasons. They can be positive or negative (the points and the reasons). One point is the norm for any attribute. More points can be issued as necessary. In the end, the point total won't mean much, if anything.

This system was adapted from a game we (Hank Plank) played on tour. We bought a bunch of bad compilation CDs for a dollar each at a record store and then listened to them in the van. Each song was given points for its attributes (e.g. intro too long minus one, funny chorus plus one). Songs that lost a lot of points early on were skipped. Winners were determined. CDs with negative point totals were tossed into the desert night in Nevada.

In anticipation of a great number of points reviews, I have created some categories. Please submit your points reviews.








n.b. In case you haven't figured it out, the points themselves don't really have any value. The point total for any review has very little to do with the quality of what is reviewed. The only real value statement points will make in general is generally good (positive point total) or bad (negative). Even that could be inaccurate, though, depending on the review.